Wednesday, September 24, 2014

More of Basel - a communication session focused on projects

Barcelona will host the 25th SETAC Europe annual meeting in 2015. We could celebrate there the forth science communication session in a row at SETAC Europe AMs since Berlin 2012. Quite a run!

As promised earlier, the session "Science communication - Concepts and activities from past and current research projects" will focus on reports on science communication from research projects. This turned out to be very valuable during the Basel session, and we want to hear more of such theoretical brackground translated into practical experience.

As always, the session is open for abstracts until 26 November 2014, 23.59 Brussels time. Abstracts can be submitted via the online submission system. All details on abstract submission can be found here.

I am looking forward to your contribution as an important step forward towards quality science communication of environmental research.

Monday, September 22, 2014

So how about communication now?

The Basel session raised again strong interest. We chaired a lively session with fantastic talks in front of a full-seated room, once more showing how important this topic is for a large number of colleagues. The authors gave practical tips on blogging and social media usage, they dived into the current situation of science communication of environmental research, and they presented approaches on how to properly disseminate activities and results from running research project. This last aspect seemed to us be of wider importance, why we decided to focus our session proposal for the upcoming SETAC Europe annual meeting in Barcelona, Spain, on more of such background and experience.

The session also helped us to further shape a proposal for a SETAC Europe advisory group an science and risk communication, that is currently being prepared and planned to submit this year.

Find a more detailed description of the session and it outcomes in our session brief as a contribution to the June issue of SETAC Globe.